Caregiver Jobs

Caregiver Jobs
At ela we Love our caregivers, we know you are what make us special
Caregiver Jobs at Ela Home Care are much more than jobs, their a relationship that will last a lifetime.
We truly understand that caregiving is one of the hardest jobs in the world and we give you the training and support you need to do and be your best. We always pair you up with another caregiver on any case so you can be assured that if you need time off or an emergency happens that you and your client are covered without any disruption. Caregiver jobs at Ela are no ordinary job they are a partnership.
Caregiver jobs at Ela can come with full benefits like health insurance, PTO and direct deposit.
Ela Homecare offers caregiver jobs to both employees and those who wish to remain a contractor, both come and go and as a Live in Caregiver.
Why we call our caregivers Ela Care Specialists
Live in Caregiver, in home caregiver or senior companion are some of words used to describe a senior homecare caregiver. This most important job is very difficult to perform and even more difficult when you don’t have a support team around you. Caregiver Jobs at Ela make being a caregiver easier with our Ela Home Care Specialists. When you join the Ela team you will be given Free of charge the IL State required 8 hours of training and our 2 day specialized training that will not only make you better at what you do but allow you to enjoy what you do more.
- How many of years of experience does the company/owner have in Senior Care?
- Do you train your Live in caregivers above the 8 hour minimum required by the state of IL? and if so what kind of training do you provide? How much do you charge for the training?
- Many senior care companies use contractor's instead of employees, does your agency use Live in caregivers as contractors or employees?
- Do you have anyone who is qualified and well trained that will be checking in on me to make sure I am ok and offer any help or guidance if needed? If so how often and what hours can I call for support if needed?
- How does the agency handle when you need a scheduled day off, sick day or you have planned a vacation or an emergency event so that you can have off and your client is not disrupted?
- Ela's owner has over 40+ years in Senior Care starting with her first job as a CNA
- Yes! we put all of our Caregivers and office staff through our comprehensive training that includes our specialized empathy and compassion training. It's always Free.
- Ela uses both contractors and employees depending upon your needs. Both our contractors and employees go through our extensive training program
- Yes, our first check is at the 24 hr mark, the second is at the 1 week, and the third is after the first month,then monthly thereafter. Your direct supervisor and the whole Ela team is always available by phone for help 24/7
- Ela assigns two caregivers to every client. Each of you will know the clients needs and be able to fill in when necessary. The client never has to worry about who is coming in and adjusting to a new caregiver.
We hope you have found this information about Caregiver Jobs in IL and on joining our team useful. We truly understand the gravity, complexity and emotional stress of being a caregiver. We hope you will consider joining our team as an Ela Care Specialist, you can reach out to us 24/7 by calling 847.316.0203.